At Fujina, we believe that comprehensive research and development (R&D) is at the heart of our innovative products. Since our founding, we have consistently created new products by harnessing the power of technology and the expertise of our employees. As we look to the future, we aim for sustainable growth through continued R&D to develop new and innovative products.

Supercretical Nano technology applying supercritical CO2 liquid in extracting Nano medicinal herbs is a new step in the pharmaceutical field. Japan is a leading country in the application of Supercritical Nano technology in the field of preparation and extraction of active ingredients from nature.
Supercritical Nano technology can overcome the disadvantages of conventional Nano preparation technology, helping to create active ingredient particles with super small size, 10-100 times smaller than conventional Nano technology, uniform in size and especially not denatured because high temperature is not used in the preparation process. The active ingredient applies Supercritical Nano technology for higher bioavailability, thereby helping the active ingredient to be absorbed into the body quickly and easily.
Super Nano technology has been applied in many products of FUJINA, such as CARDIO, SARAFINE, YUKIWA, MISAKI.
Salacimal technology is an exclusive technology of Astrim Research Institute, Ichimaru Corporation of Japan in the field of supporting diabetes treatment. This is a technology to separate and extract the two main active ingredients called Salacinol and Kotalanol, found in the roots of Salacia Reticulata.
Thanks to the successful separation of two “molecules” of salacinol and kotalanol present in the roots of salacia reticulata, thereby affecting glucose metabolism, inhibiting α-glucosidase enzyme activity, slowing down the hydrolysis of carbohydrates, to limit the rise in blood sugar after eating. At the same time, these 2 active ingredients also contribute to stimulating the pancreas to increase additional insulin secretion, reducing insulin resistance, helping to maintain and stabilize blood sugar to a safe threshold.
Salacimal technology has been proven by scientific studies to be extremely effective in controlling blood sugar in people with type 2 diabetes. INSUNA products applying Salacimal technology have become one of the best-selling products in Japan, bringing healthy life to hundreds of thousands of diabetics.

Picosome technology – A new invention of scientists at Japan’s FUJINA research institute was born as a major breakthrough based on the foundation of nanotechnology. If nanotechnology is the technology of manufacturing useful materials, devices and systems by manipulating the arrangement of supramolecular structures limited to the size of 1-100 nanometers (nm) – one billionth of a billion. meters (10-9), then picosome technology as a technique for processing materials at the atomic and subatomic levels at the picoscale or trillionth of a meter scale (10-12). In other word, Picosomes are the next level of nanotechnology.
Picosome technology makes a difference because of its microscopic particle size, whose shape can allow for more control over the delivery of the targeted active ingredient. Therefore, picosomal particles easily penetrate into cells, overcome barriers easily, bind to factors such as proteins, enzymes with high selectivity, providing effective biological response. outstanding.
Picosome technology has been successfully applied by Japanese research institute FUJINA in the product SLEEPY, which helps support a good night’s sleep, and is trusted by millions of Japanese.
Shared R&D Initiatives
At Fujina, R&D activities are conducted in collaboration with the R&D departments of group companies around the world.